In the Media

Birth Savvy’s Pip Wynn Owen is passionate about promoting the importance of childbirth education and good quality antenatal classes in Perth. As such, she regularly appears in the local media and in online and national publications.

“It’s time traditional antenatal classes in Perth’s private hospitals lifted their game and helped couples make truly informed decisions about their childbirth experience. Too many women and their partners are left shell shocked after becoming victims of the cascade of interventions. I hear the phrase ‘If only I had know that before,’ too often to ignore. Women and their partners need to educate themselves so that they can have the confidence to know what is right for their bodies and babies.”

Pip Wynn Owen

Listed below are the recent radio interviews, news items and publications

6PR Interview – Fear of Childbirth and Postnatal Depression – 9th Jan 2014

fear of childbirth




The West Australian 19th Dec 2013

c-section rate







9 NEWS – Caesarean state – December 19, 2013

Here is the link to the 9 News footage:

SMH, The Age and WAToday – 19th Nov 2013




The West Australian – 14th September 2013

Lara and grace – 12th September 2012





 – 24th May 2013









 Empowering Birth Magazine – 19th Feb 2012






6PR Interview 9th January 2013




 Empowering Birth Magazine Jan 22 2013

Antenatal Classes Perth


West Australian Newspaper 6th October 2012

Antenatal Classes Perth





Practical Parenting Magazine August 2012











 West Australian newspaper 2nd June 2012


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