Home Birth Debate

Published: July 7, 2015

I was asked to comment on Homebirths on local Perth radio station 6PR.

It was after the West Australian quoted me in response to Dr Gannon’s comment that Home Birthing Mums are selfish.

I realIy, really want to apologise publicly for getting the great Hannah Dahlen’s name wrong in this interview. As you can imagine these interviews are a bit nerve racking and my passion makes me trip over my tongue a bit. I also seem to have become the spokesperson for home birth in WA which I am happy to do, but I actually just want the private system to lift it’s game so women can get the birth they want in the setting of their choice.

Anyway, here it is for you to listen to, followed by a link to the newspaper article.

It is not selfish to want the best possible birth and start to life for you and your baby.

Why do we never have these sort of conversations when things “go wrong” in hospital births.



home birth debate




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