Why are some obstetricians suddenly all up in arms about traditional practices that help women take control of their births? Surely anything that helps women and does no harm should be encouraged. It doesn’t make sense that obstetricians would not want women to have...
I just had to respond to an article in the West today. In the article Dr Gannon stated that if we aim to decrease the c/section rate in Perth we will increase forceps deliveries. I would love the chance to chat with Dr Gannon about the physiology of labour and birth...
Have you been eagerly awaiting the Western Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2013 31st Annual Report of the Western Australian Midwives’ Notification System? I have. Unfortunately, the data is 3 years old. I am really not sure why it can’t be more up to date with...
Have you heard that your placenta will stop working properly after your ‘due date’ or the words placental insufficiency? Sounds scary, doesn’t it? But what is the evidence for this claim? I recently did an online course with Sara Wickham: “Post-Term Pregnancy:...
Birth Savvy Childbirth Education focuses on getting the most out of your private obstetrician here in Perth. After all you are paying him/her a lot of money, so you should be getting fantastic service and a wonderful birth experience . When you go to your antenatal...