April is “International Cesarean Awareness Month”, an event organised by ICAN – The International Cesarean Awareness Network. However, I am writing this blog at the beginning of May because I think we should uphold the intentions of ICAN all year round....
I am not sure how I missed it but the “Western Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2015, 33rd Annual Report” was released in July 2019. As always I wonder why there is a 4 year lag on reporting the data, and how different the actual data for 2019 would...
Have you been eagerly awaiting the Western Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2013 31st Annual Report of the Western Australian Midwives’ Notification System? I have. Unfortunately, the data is 3 years old. I am really not sure why it can’t be more up to date with...
Have you seen the article floating around Facebook about the couple who were charged around AU$40 for skin-to-skin after c/section? I know most people were horrified that this couple got charged for this, and we could discuss the ethics at length, but a couple of...
Why is Professor Dietz so determined to scare women out of a normal, natural process…vaginal birth? I already replied his claim that “human childbirth is a fundamental bio mechanical mismatch, the opening is way too small and the passenger is way too...