Caesarean Section Awareness: All year round

Caesarean Section Awareness: All year round

April is “International Cesarean Awareness Month”, an event organised by ICAN – The International Cesarean Awareness Network. However, I am writing this blog at the beginning of May because I think we should uphold the intentions of ICAN  all year round....
C/Section Rates Perth and Regional WA

C/Section Rates Perth and Regional WA

I am not sure how I missed it but the “Western Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2015, 33rd Annual Report”  was released in July 2019.   As always I wonder why there is a 4 year lag on reporting the data, and how different the actual data for 2019 would...
C Section Rates Perth 2010 to 2013

C Section Rates Perth 2010 to 2013

Have you been eagerly awaiting the Western Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2013 31st Annual Report of the Western Australian Midwives’ Notification System? I have. Unfortunately, the data is 3 years old. I am really not sure why it can’t be more up to date with...
Skin to Skin After C Section is Priceless

Skin to Skin After C Section is Priceless

Have you seen the article floating around Facebook about the couple who were charged around AU$40 for skin-to-skin after c/section? I know most people were horrified that this couple got charged for this, and we could discuss the ethics at length, but a couple of...

More C-Sections is Not the Answer Prof Dietz

Why  is Professor  Dietz so determined to scare women out of a normal, natural process…vaginal birth? I already replied his claim that  “human childbirth is a fundamental bio mechanical mismatch, the opening is way too small and the passenger is way too...